



IP Luzin Vyacheslav Anatolevich, hereinafter referred to as "Administration", shall disclose to any person (legal or natural, including individual entrepreneur) information services through the use of the Site http://woodresource.com (hereinafter, the Website).

In accordance with article 435 of the civil code Russian Federation, the terms of an offer addressed to unlimited circle of individuals and legal entities, including individual entrepreneurs.

The person passed the registration procedure on the Website, becoming a Website user (hereinafter the User). User registration on the Website is done automatically by placing ads in the form of a Website. In accordance with article 438 of the civil code Russian Federation, registration is the User's acceptance of this offer (unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Agreement and consent to all the terms of this Agreement).

This User agreement developed in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulates relations between the administration and the Users, defining their fundamental rights, duties and responsibilities.



1.1. In the text of this User agreement, the following terms and definitions:

1.1.1. The website is the result of intellectual activity representing a composite work, based in the information and telecommunications network under a specific network address and includes software that enables its functioning, graphic solution (design), content (textual information) posted on it, as well as other results of intellectual activity, including photographic images, videos, etc. Under the Website in the text of this Agreement refers to the Site located on the Internet under the domain name (address) http://woodresource.com, as well as their “mirrors”.

1.1.2. The product (Service) – specialized goods and services relevant to the content of the Site.

1.1.3. The Site database is organized in accordance with certain rules and maintained in computer memory a set of data used to meet the information needs of Users, in particular, information about items offered for purchase, the data about the vacancies and CVS, as well as other information.

1.1.4. Visitor - a natural or legal person, through the Internet to get access to the Website.

1.1.5. The user - visitor of the Site, registered on the Website.

1.1.6. The customer – user who has concluded with Administration the contract on rendering of paid services, that are unavailable to Site Visitors and Users.

1.1.7. E-mail – the e-mail address that uniquely identifies an electronic mailbox, where the message is sent via e-mail.

1.1.8. Password – set of symbols tied to a specific email address, unknown to anyone except the User and to authenticate the User on the Website.

1.1.9. Authorization - user identification through the introduction of appropriate fields on the Website, the right combination E-mail and Password.


1.1.10. Registration – placement of ads on the Website form (there is an automatic registration of the User on the Website). It is also possible to pass registration on the form of Website after adding any of the ads in the "featured ads".


1.1.11. Moderation the moderator or administrator posted on the Site (or are planning to occupancy - Moderated) information on the compliance with the provisions of this Agreement, generally accepted moral and ethical standards, and correct or remove information from the Site with User notification by mail of the User or without it. Moderation is not the responsibility of the Site Administration.

1.1.12. Services provided by the Administration User after login in to your Account, determined in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, as well as functional and technical capabilities of the Site.

1.1.13. User credentials - the unique User name: the username and password to log on to the Website indicated by the User during registration on the Website, and any User information posted on the Website.

1.1.14. Price list (Prices and Services) of the Annex to the present Agreement and its integral part, containing the list provided by the paid Website services, their price, conditions and terms of rendering, constantly placed in public access on the Website: http://woodresource.com/price/

1.1.15. The announcement – the information on the goods proposed for purchase or sale in any region of Russia and CIS countries, data on vacancies and CVS, as well as other information posted on the Website.


1.2. In the User agreement may contain terms not defined in paragraph 1.1. of this User agreement. In these cases, the interpretation of terms shall be in accordance with the text and meaning of this Agreement. In case of absence of unambiguous interpretation of the term in the text of the User agreement should be guided by the interpretation of terms: in the first place identified on the Site, and in the second place in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.



2.1. Administration gives the User the right to use the Website, including:

- read the information posted on the Website in the public domain;

- the right to use a free service, available on the Website;

- the right to search the information available on the Website;

- the right to post information about products, with a view to their subsequent sale to other Users on the Website, on the terms set forth in this Agreement;

- the right to place information about vacancies and CVS;

- the right to use other services, except services, are accessed for a fee after signing a separate agreement on the provision of services.


2.2. The administration provides services for the User by providing:

access to the Site Database;

- the possibility to implement the publication of information on the Website;

- the possibility of viewing the information on the Website;

- other services that are determined on the basis of this Agreement, the functional and technical capabilities of the Site.


2.3. The administration has the Customer paid services in accordance with the signed agreement between them.

2.4. Obligatory condition of rendering of Services in accordance with the Agreement is the adoption, compliance with the User and application to relations of the Parties the requirements and provisions defined in the following documents:

2.4.1.This Agreement and all its annexes.

2.4.2."Price list," constantly placed in public access on the Website at the following address: http://woodresource.com/price/


2.5. All transactions are conducted between Users directly. Thus, the administration of the Site is not the host party transactions, except when the User purchases directly from the Site Administration certain services on a reimbursable basis. In the latter case, relations are governed by the agreement on paid rendering of services.

2.6. Obligatory condition of rendering of Services in accordance with the Agreement is the adoption, compliance with the User and application to relations of the Parties the requirements and provisions of this Agreement and all its annexes.


2.7. The administration reserves the right to change the terms of this Agreement and all its integral parts without the consent of the User, but with notice by posting on the Website a new version of the Agreement or any of its integral parts that have changed. The user undertakes to monitor the changes in the User agreement. By ignoring this responsibility, as well as all the negative effects is solely with the User. A new version of the Agreement and/or any of its integral part shall enter into force upon publication on the Website, unless a different period changes coming into force is not defined by the Administration after their publication. The current version of the Agreement and all its annexes are in the public domain at: http://woodresource.com/agreement/

2.8. In case of disagreement with the new version of the User agreement the User must stop using the Website and also in writing (by registered mail) to inform the refusal to use the Site. In the case that the User has not informed the Administration about their disagreement, it is considered that the User agreed to a new version of the User agreement.


2.9. The administration does not guarantee that the information available at a specific point in time, will be available at any time throughout the term of the Agreement.


2.10. By accepting this Agreement, User hereby agrees to receive from the Administration information, advertising and other types of mailings by SMS to the telephone number of the User, as well as the email address and undertakes not to present to the Administration any claims and demands related to the implementation of such mailings.


2.11. Message to the Site Administration for Users and published on the Website are delivered to the User from the moment of their publication on the Website.



3.1. The rights and obligations of the Administration:

3.1.1. The administration shall:

- to assist the Service User in the volume, within deadlines and on the terms set forth in this Agreement and its annexes, in accordance with the form of Services. The Administration reserves the right to provide User Services on a paid or unpaid basis, in accordance with this Agreement;

- not to disclose User Credentials. The administration is not responsible for receipt of the same by third parties through no fault of the Administration, in particular, due to the actions of third parties, including persons providing hosting services for the Site.

3.1.2. The administration has the right: At its discretion, unilaterally to change the price of Services, with mandatory notification of the Customer by posting the relevant information on the Website by making changes to the price list. In case of violation of the terms of Agreement and conditions of the documents referred to in paragraph 2.3 of the Agreement:

a) to renounce the execution of this Agreement;

b) block the User's access to User Credentials;

b) suspend the provision of Services to the User for a specified period;

g) to restrict the provision to the User of the appropriate type of Service for a specified period or without specifying the period;

d) to exercise moderation of the site;

e) in violation of the terms of the royalty-free publication of the advertisements referred to in paragraph 3.2.2. this Agreement, to remove ads or block them for viewing up to the date of payment. To make changes in technical equipment and computer code of the Site, namely to install additional applications, tools, etc.; At any time to require the User confirmation of the data specified during registration and request in connection with confirming documents. In the case of providing the User with inaccurate or incomplete information, the Administration may apply to such User measures indicated in this Agreement; To make the collection, storage, systematization and use of information about User activity on the Website, in particular, the statistic of a user of the Site, the Services consumed, etc.; Without the consent of the User to transmit data about the User of the website:

- state bodies, including bodies of inquiry and investigation, and local authorities on their reasoned request;

- on the basis of the judicial act;

- third parties and public organizations at their reasoned request, in the event of a breach or alleged breach of their rights;

- in other cases prescribed by legislation of the Russian Federation cases. To amend the Declaration without changing the essence of the ads. To carry out preventive work in the software-hardware complex Site with a temporary suspension of Site (possibly at night), minimizing the inoperability of the Site, with notice of routine maintenance of the User if it is technically possible.


3.2. The rights and obligations of the User:

3.2.1. The user undertakes: To comply with the terms of this Agreement. To use the personal data posted in the Site Database in accordance with the Federal law of 27 July 2006 №152-FZ "On personal data" and all amendments to it changes during the term of the Agreement, namely:

– to use the personal data from the Database only for the purpose of ensuring the functioning of the Site and the subsequent provision of Services to the User by the Administration;

– do not convey information about other Users obtained on the Website, to any third party;

– in the case of harm to other Users associated with the User breaches the requirements of the Federal law No. 152-FZ of 27 July 2006. the responsibility for this lies with the User. To provide accurate, current, complete, and real-time information, and periodically update the registration data and other information that was provided at registration to keep it accurate, current and complete. To independently monitor the changes in the price list. By ignoring this responsibility, as well as all the negative effects is solely with the User. Complete all required fields of the form installed on the Site to accommodate ads. You must specify a valid E-mail address, accessed by the User. Immediately change the data needed for authorization on the Website, if there is a reasonable suspicion that the data have been disclosed or may be used by third parties, and to notify us by email within 3 (three) calendar days. Not to pass their Credentials to third parties. By ignoring this responsibility, as well as all the negative effects is solely with the User. Not collect and not to collect email addresses or any other Contact information of Users of the Website by automated methods. Not to give someone your username and password to use the Site. If the User proves otherwise, any actions made using his / her login and password are considered by the User. Not to use automated scripts (programs) to collect information or interact with the Website or provide the Website services, except for services created by the Administration specifically for such cases. Not take any action aimed at gaining access to someone else's Credentials against the will of the persons to whom they belong. Not to take actions that can cause disproportionately large load on the Website infrastructure. Not obstruct the activities of the Site. To provide accurate and complete information about the Product and the conditions of sale, including the terms of delivery and in case of detection of incorrect information, to add information or correct wrong information.

The information provided by the User, and his actions on the Website must not:

· be false, inaccurate or misleading;

· contribute to fraud, deception or abuse of trust;

· conduct in respect of transactions with stolen or counterfeit items;

· to violate or infringe upon the property rights of a third party, trade secret or right to privacy;

· contain computer viruses and other computer programmes, in particular, for damage, unauthorized intrusion, secret interception or appropriation of data from any system or the system itself, or part thereof, or personal information or other data;

· to harm the Site and cause full or partial loss of the administration of the Site services providers the Internet services or any other persons;

· contain advertising materials that are not related to information about the product.

Website administration is not responsible for the placement of this information by the User. Not to post ads about Products that do not meet the subject Site, as well as about the Goods, the sale of which violates the law, contrary to generally accepted standards and is inappropriate. Not to post on the Website information which is not appropriate for publication and dissemination on the territory of Russia, as well as leading to disputes and disagreements between visitors and users of the Site. to post on the Website a few similar announcements about products or services, announcements of which were given by the User previously and currently posted on the Website Before placing ads about Goods to make sure that the sale of the Goods does not violate applicable laws and permitted by this Agreement. Not be placed on the Website links to the similar Products, their ads placed on other sites. To actively support and disseminate information about services provided by competitors, such as:

· other trading platforms, online auctions and/or online stores;

· sites offering goods and services presented on the Website, for the same or less pay;

· sites offering goods and services, forbidden for sale on the Site. Not to transfer its rights and/or obligations under this Agreement in whole or in part to third parties. To independently address all possible conflicts or complaints associated with his actions on the Site violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties. To reimburse the Administration for all losses and expenses which the Authority incurred because of the violation of the provisions of this Agreement.


3.2.2. The user has the right:

- To post information about owned specialized Products, with the aim of selling them to other Users. By placing the information about the Product, the User confirms that he has the right to sell the Product.

- for its use, including commercial, purposes of information, lawfully obtained on the website;

- use the free service, which is available on the website;

- use of all or part of paid services, paying for them;

- express their opinion on the forums site and post your info under this Agreement and the legislation of Russia.

- publish at no charge no more than 2 ads for each category of ads. More ads are published when the user pays the amount, according to the "price list" section. The cost of services is determined at the time of payment.

The administration in any event shall not be held liable for the information published by the User on the Website.




4.1. The User hereby acknowledges that by submitting your personal information on the Website, as well as data on the name, TIN, KPP, PSRN, registration address, email and other data of the company on whose behalf the User acts, he acknowledges the public nature of this information and agrees that the relevant data are publicly available. The user by accepting this Agreement the client agrees with processing of his personal data in any way (including collection, storage, transfer, treatment, destruction, storage, dissemination, etc.), as the Administration and other Users.


4.2. Given that personal data with the consent of the User are publicly available, however, the Administration in the processing of personal data undertakes to take all technical and organizational measures to protect them from unauthorized access in a manner not provided by the Website. The user may at any time withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data by sending valuable emails with a list of contents in the Administration.


4.3. The administration does not exclude that in the result of a failure in the operation of the Site, virus or hacker attack, technical failures or other circumstances personal data may become available to others. The User hereby agrees that it will not make a complaint to the Site Administration in this regard, given that he set in relation to their personal data public mode.


4.4. Into force of this Agreement, indicating your personal data on the Website, the User unconditionally agrees:

- providing personal data to any third parties through the Site;

- the processing of personal data by the Administration in any way (including collection, storage, transfer, treatment, destruction, storage, dissemination, etc.);

- with other actions of the Administration regarding such data in connection with operation of the Site.


4.5. By posting on the Website with your personal data, the User confirms that doing so voluntarily and confirms that he voluntarily provides the data for their processing. If the User does not agree to the terms above, he should not register on the Site or shall immediately cease to use the Site.


4.6. Administration processes only those personal data that were posted on the Website.


4.7. Handling the administration of the personal data of the User to facilitate the functioning of the Site and is itself processed by technical means of the Site cannot result in any negative consequences for the User. In this case the Site Administration is not responsible for the use of personal data by other persons.


4.8. The user undertakes not to use personal data of other Users in any way not in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, unlawful or illegal purposes, in order to benefit and any other purpose not consistent with the objectives of creating the Site.



5.1. In order to be able to use the Services provided by the Administration in accordance with this Agreement, the User must go through a mandatory registration process. Upon completion of the registration process, the User becomes the owner of the User Credentials. To start working with the Website, the User must enter a username and password on the login page.


5.2. In that case, if the corresponding Service is provided exclusively by the Administration on a reimbursable basis, to obtain the User shall conclude a separate contract and make an advance payment on the value provided for corresponding type of Service. Relations between the administration and the Customer for paid services are governed by the provisions of this agreement.



6.1. Design and code the Site, information, graphics, audio, video, photos and other Site content are the intellectual property of the Administration and shall be protected in conformity with the legislation of the Russian Federation. No one has the right to reproduce, copy, modify, distribute, transmit, or distribute in any way the materials.


6.2. In case of violation of the provisions of clause 6.1. Agreement, the Administration may immediately take actions to block Credentials, and deleting User data from the Site Database.



7.1. The user determines the list of measures to preserve the secrecy of your Credentials and ensure authorized access to it. The administration is not responsible for the damages caused to the User as a result of disclosure to third parties of the User's Credentials, which occurred not on fault of the Administration. If any person other than the authorized User on the Website using the User Credentials, then all acts committed by such person, shall be considered performed by the User. The user is responsible for all actions performed on the Website, as well as for all actions performed on the Site by any other person using the User's Credentials.


7.2. The administration is not responsible for damages caused to the User as a result of message other Users false information and caused by the actions (inaction) of other Users. The administration does not guarantee that the information provided by Users on the Site is accurate and complete, as entered by the User.


7.3. The user is responsible in full for any actions that result in Administration and/or third parties suffer damage.


7.4. For violation of other obligations under this Agreement the Parties bear responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Thus, in any case, the responsibility of the Administration to the Customer in the event of a claim for damages is limited to the cost of Services provided on a reimbursable basis for which payment is made by the Customer.

7.5. The administration makes all possible efforts to ensure the proper operation of the Site, but shall not be liable for nonperformance or improper performance of obligations under the Agreement and possible losses resulting from:

7.5.1. the misconduct of the User, intended to breach information security or proper functioning of the Website.

7.5.2. failures in the Website operation caused by errors in the code, computer viruses and other unauthorized code fragments in software Site.

7.5.3. absence (failure to establish, termination, etc.) Internet connections between the server and the Site server.

7.5.4. the state and municipal bodies and other organizations of events within the operational-search activities.

7.5.5. the establishment of state regulation (or regulation by other organizations) of the economic activity of commercial organizations in the Internet and/or the establishment of these subjects one-time constraints that hinder or render impossible the execution of the Agreement.

7.5.6. other cases related to the actions (or inaction) of Users and/or other entities, aimed at deterioration of the General situation using the Internet and/or computer equipment that existed at the time of conclusion of the Agreement and any other action aimed at the Site and third parties.

7.5.7. perform work related to the operation of the site, including the work specified in this Agreement.


7.6. In the case of force-majeure circumstances, and also accidents or failures in hardware-software complexes of third parties cooperating with the Administration, or actions (inaction) of third parties aimed at suspension or discontinuance of the operation of the Site, it is possible to suspend operation of the Website without notice to Users.



8.1. In the event of a dispute between the User and the Administration on matters related to the execution of the Agreement, the Parties will take all measures to their permission by negotiations between themselves and use the complaint procedure.


8.2. Complaint procedures for dispute resolution between the parties is required. Claims of Users are accepted and considered by the Administration in a written form and in the manner provided in this agreement and the legislation of the Russian Federation.


8.3. For the resolution of disputes arising between the Parties, applies the following complaint procedure:

- the party considers that its rights have been violated by the actions (inaction) of the Administration will e-mail the claim, containing the essence of the requirements, and its justification;

- if the parties are unable to resolve the dispute through electronic correspondence, the User must send a written claim by mail the registered letter with a list of contents for the location of the Administration.

If the answer to a written claim is not received within 30 days of the receipt of a valuable letter with list of contents the other party, the claim procedure is met and the party has the right to appeal to the court.

The administration shall respond to a written complaint by post, registered letter with a list of contents. Of receipt of the written answer to his complaint, the User is obliged to re-send a written complaint by mail the registered letter with the list of contents given the response to his initial claim.

The administration has the right to re-consider the claim within 30 days from the date of receipt.

If within 45 days, the User that submits a re-claim, don't get an answer or get an answer that will not satisfy the User or not will be eliminated the cause of the conflict situation, the User has the right to apply to the court at the location of the Administration.


8.4. To resolve technical issues in determining the fault of the User as a result of his illegal actions while using the Internet and the Website in particular, the Administration is entitled to independently attract competent organizations as experts. In case of establishment of fault of the User, the latter shall reimburse the costs of the examination.


8.5. At not achievement of the consent between the Parties through negotiation, the dispute arising from this Agreement shall be subject to consideration in Arbitration court of the Novosibirsk region, or in the court of General jurisdiction at the location of the Administration (if the User is a natural person).



9.1. The agreement is effective for Users since the publication of the Agreement on the Website, and to all other persons who at the time of publication of this Agreement are not yet users of the Site, from the moment of acceptance of this offer the Visitor. Acceptance (unconditional acceptance of terms and conditions of this Agreement) of this offer is considered to fill a Visitor registration form and accepting the terms of the Agreement by pressing the "Add announcement" posted on the page with the registration form. Unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of all conditions of providing Services on a reimbursable basis also means that the Customer payment in payment for such Services.


9.2. The agreement is for an indefinite period and is valid until the removal of the User's Credentials.


9.3. This Agreement applies to Users who have registered before the date of publication of this Agreement on the Website. The user undertakes to get acquainted with the terms of the Agreement. If User does not agree with the terms of this Agreement, it shall immediately discontinue use of the Website by sending the Administration a written notification on refusal of use of the Site, otherwise your continued use of the Website by the User implies acceptance of the terms of the Agreement.


9.4. The direction of the correspondence related to the execution of this Agreement may be made by mail, Fax or email. Documents sent by Fax and email shall be effective under the condition where the hardware marks the date and time of sending, the name of the organization/individuals and number that is stamped facsimile, and signatures of authorized representatives of the Parties in this correspondence had the force of a handwritten, that does not relieve the Parties from subsequent originals of documents. This correspondence transmitted by facsimile and/or electronic (Internet) connection with the seals and signatures of the authorized persons, until the originals have the same legal force as the originals, which will be used as evidence in court.


9.5. Published in the moment the Agreement is binding and supersedes all previous revisions of the Agreement.


9.6. Issues not regulated by the Agreement and documents listed in the Agreement, shall be settled in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


9.7. The annexes to the present Agreement are its integral part.


9.8. If You do not agree with any term or condition of the Agreement, or any part thereof, please refrain from using the Site.




1. "Price list", are constantly placed in public access on the Website http://woodresource.com/price/


IP Luzin Vyacheslav Anatolevich

PSRN 317547600048316

TIN 544590684117

Address: 633010, Russia, Novosibirsk Region, Berdsk